Your first visit to Jose R. Ruiz, DPM FACFAS establishes a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to obtain background information, like your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor. As you browse our website, you will find important information about our practice and protocols.
Patient Registration Forms
You can save time at your first visit by printing out and completing the registration forms in advance of your appointment. You are required to show your Identification Card, Insurance Card, Medication List, evidence of your Referral and/or Authorization, in addition, your co-payment every time you come to the office.
Formas de Registracion
Puede ahorrar tiempo en su primera visita imprimiendo y completando los formularios de registro antes de su cita. Es necesario mostrar sus Tarjetas de Identificación, Tarjeta de Seguro Médico, Lista de Medicamentos y la Evidencia de su Referido y/o Autorización, en adición, su copago por la visita.