We are keeping a close eye on Covid-19 developments in the South Jersey area and encourage you to do the same. Please consider making your own personal/family emergency plan in the event the threat level is raised. Refer to the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC) for the most current information. The CDC reminds us to follow best practices, including washing hands often with soap and water, not touching our eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, avoiding contact with people who are sick, and limiting personal contact, including shaking hands.
In response to the current threat, we have the following plan in place:
- If you are sick or have come in contact with anyone who is sick, please do not come in to work. Notify the (doctor/office manager) as soon as you know that you will not be in, so appropriate adjustments can be made.
- If you have a fever, cough, respiratory condition, compromised immune system or any other group at heightened risk, you should avoid contact with others until you have been cleared by your health care provider.
- Should you come into close contact with anyone who has traveled to an area considered high risk by the CDC, you should avoid contact with them until you have been cleared by your health care provider.
- D uring this period of heightened awareness, staff will be able to utilize Time off for absences. If Time Off is not available, staff will be able to borrow up to 10 (ten) days/80 (eighty) hours of Time Off to accommodate unexpected absences due to the Covid-19 virus threat. This policy does not apply to Per Diem employees.
- Should a mandatory quarantine of our practice or the local area be put in place, a plan will be developed at that time. Staff should plan for the possibility of working from home as a means of earning income during time off.
- See below screening questions to be utilized during all patient bookings. Remind patients that we are happy to reschedule anyone who suspects that they might be ill.
- We will continue to utilize universal precautions in the office, routinely disinfect all hard surfaces throughout the day, dispose of all biohazard/soiled waste (including Kleenex and napkins) properly, cough or sneeze into our elbow, wash our hands frequently but especially before and after patient interaction, before and after meals, and after using the restroom.
- All staff are asked to cross train as much as possible so that they may fill in for others who may unexpectedly need to miss work.
These questions are to be asked of all patients calling the office to book an appointment:
- Has the patient visited, or been in close contact with anyone who has visited, the following countries/regions in the last 14 days: China, Iran, Italy, Japan, South Korea?
- Does the patient have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
- Has the patient been in contact with someone with known or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19)?